Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Disclosure Panel Configuration

The Disclosure panel provides administrators with the ability to author a disclosure statement to be read and acknowledged by an applicant during the virtual application process. Defining and configuring a disclosure allows the financial institution to inform applicants of any unique terms and conditions that must be agreed upon in order to create and submit an application within Virtual Capture.

The Disclosure panel can be configured to appear within an Application type screen in System Management > Origination > Virtual Capture > Screens.

To begin configuring the Disclosure panel:

Field Description
Audit Log Text Enter the text to appear in the Audit Log and Audit History screen upon acknowledgement of the disclosure.
This field is required.
Error Message Enter the text to appear in an error message presented to the applicant if they do not acknowledge the disclosure.

Once saved, the screen including the Disclosure panel must be assigned to a Virtual Capture Workflow Model. The workflow model must then be assigned to a loan application type within the General tab of the Virtual Capture Products page, and/or an account application type within the Account Application Types tab in Virtual Capture Settings.

For information on assigning Virtual Capture Workflow Models, please see the Virtual Capture Settings topic in this guide.

In Virtual Capture, the disclosure text defined during creation of the panel is displayed, along with a check box that the applicant must select in order to acknowledge the disclosure and proceed with the application process.

When an applicant acknowledges the disclaimer, the audit log text defined during creation of the panel is added as an entry in the Audit Log and displayed within the Audit History screen.


If an applicant does not acknowledge the disclaimer and tries to proceed with the application, the error text defined during creation of the panel is displayed to the applicant within a pop-up window. The applicant must select the check box within the Disclosures panel to acknowledge the disclaimer before continuing through the application process.



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